A chronology of key events:
9th century - Magyars under Prince Arpad settle Danube plain
1526 - Ottoman Turks defeat forces of Hungarian king at Battle of Mohacs
Giant parliament building is a Budapest landmark
1872: Buda-Pest created from unification of districts
Population: 1.7 million
1699 - Austrian Hapsburgs under Leopold I expel Turks
1867 - Hungary becomes autonomous partner in Austro-Hungarian Empire
1918 - Austro-Hungarian Empire is broken up at the end of World War I. Hungarian republic is proclaimed following a revolution.
1919 - Communists take over power under Bela Kun. Kun wages war on Czechoslovakia and Romania. Romanian forces occupy Budapest and hand power to Admiral Miklos Horthy.
1920 - Hungary loses large part of territory to Czechoslovakia, Romania, Russia and Yugoslavia. The National Assembly restores Kingdom of Hungary; Horthy becomes regent and remains influential until 1944.
1938 - Hungary regains some of the territory lost in 1920.
Alliance with Nazi Germany
1939 - Hungary joins Anti-Comintern Pact of Germany, Japan and Italy. At the outbreak of World War II Hungary remains neutral.
1941 - Germany invades the Soviet Union. Hungary declares war on the Soviet Union. A large part of the Hungarian army is destroyed. Hungary declares war on the United Kingdom and the United States.
Communists were overthrown in 1956, but Soviets retook capital
1944 - Hungarian Nazis depose Horthy and install a puppet regime after Horthy asks advancing Soviet troops for an armistice. Hungarian Jews and gypsies are deported to death camps.
1945 - Soviet forces drive the Germans out of Hungary by early April. Large parts of Budapest are reduced to rubble by the fighting. New Hungarian government introduces land reform bill, redistributing land from large estate owners to peasants.
1947-48 - Communists consolidate power. Hungary aligns itself more and more with the Soviet Union.
Ferenc Puskas - one world's most prolific goal scorers
Captained Hungary's famed Magical Magyars national team in the 1950s
Moved to Spain after failed 1956 revolt against Soviet rule
Became a major goal-scorer for Real Madrid in the 1960s
Given a state funeral in Budapest in December 2006
1949 - A new constitution makes Hungary a workers' and peasants' state. Industry is nationalised, agriculture collectivised and a wave of police terror launched.
1956 uprising
1956 - National uprising. Protesters demand the withdrawal of Soviet troops. Imre Nagy becomes prime minister. Nagy announces plans for Hungary to withdraw from the Warsaw Pact and become a neutral power. Soviet forces crush the rebels, thousands are killed. Nagy takes refuge in the Yugoslav embassy, from where he is abducted by Soviet agents. Janos Kadar becomes head of government.
1958 - Announcement is made that Imre Nagy has been executed for high treason.
1960s - Kadar gradually introduces limited liberalising reforms. Political prisoners and church leaders are freed, farmers and industrial workers given increased rights.
1968 - New Economic Mechanism brings elements of the market to Hungarian socialism.
Spearheading change
1988 - Kadar is replaced by Karoly Grosz. Opposition groups form the Hungarian Democratic Forum.
Opening of border with Austria heralded collapse of Iron Curtain
1989 - May - Border with Austria is opened, the 'Iron Curtain' is breached. Thousands of East Germans escape to the West. Communist state in Hungary is dismantled and a transition to a multiparty democracy starts.
1990 - Stock exchange opens in Budapest. A centre-right coalition wins elections.
1990 June - Hungary withdraws from any participation in Warsaw Pact military exercises.
1991 - Soviet forces withdraw from Hungary. The Warsaw Pact is dissolved.
A new era
1994 - Former communists and liberals form coalition following elections. Gyula Horn, the leader of the reform communists, pledges to continue free-market policies.
1997 - Referendum endorses joining Nato. The European Union decides to open membership talks with Hungary, which begin in 1998.
1998 - Centre-right coalition under Viktor Orban elected.
1999 - Hungary joins Nato.
2000 February - Government appeals for help after cyanide waste from a dam at a mining works in neighbouring Romania enters Hungary's second biggest river, the Tisza.
2000 August - Ferenc Madl takes office as president.
2001 June - Parliament backs controversial Status Law entitling Hungarians living in Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine, Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia to a special identity document allowing them to work, study and claim health care in Hungary temporarily.
2002 May - Peter Medgyessy forms new centre-left coalition government in which the Socialist Party partners the liberal Free Democrats.
2002 June-July - PM Medgyessy admits to having worked as a counterintelligence officer for the secret service in the late 1970s and early 1980s. However, he denies ever having collaborated with the KGB and says he worked to steer Hungary toward IMF membership without Moscow's knowledge.
Danube waters reached record levels in spring 2006
2002 December - EU summit in Copenhagen formally invites Hungary to join in 2004.
2003 April - Referendum overwhelmingly approves Hungary's membership of an enlarged EU. However, turnout is only 46%.
2003 June - Parliament amends controversial Status Law on work, health and travel benefits for ethnic Hungarians in neighbouring countries which criticised it as interfering with their sovereignty and discriminating against other ethnic groups.
Hungary in the EU
2004 1 May - Hungary is one of 10 new states to join the EU.
2004 September - Former sports minister Ferenc Gyurcsany becomes prime minister following resignation of Peter Medgyessy in row with coalition partner over reshuffle.
2004 December - Low turnout invalidates referendum on whether or not to offer citizenship to some five million ethnic Hungarians living outside Hungary.
Parliament ratifies EU constitution.
2005 June - Parliament chooses opposition backed Laszlo Solyom as next president after Socialists' candidate is blocked by their Free Democrat coalition partners.
2006: Uprising anniversary was overshadowed by protests
2006 April - More than 10,000 troops and police battle floodwaters as the Danube river reaches record levels.
General elections return to power Socialist-led coalition under Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsany.
2006 September - Violence erupts as thousands rally in Budapest demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Gyurcsany, after it was revealed his government had lied during elections.
2006 October - Violent anti-government protests in Budapest overshadow 50th anniversary commemorations of the 1956 uprising against Soviet rule.
2007 February - A commission of enquiry into the previous autumn's disturbances in which 800 people were hurt, finds fault with the police, the government and the country's whole political elite.