Hi! Welcome everyone!
I'm Panka.
Does anyone feel like, they like to many things, or have to much hobbies?
Well, I do!- And that is why I made this website. I like to travel, draw, i'm interested in biology, maps, I love to read, listen to music, and MUCH much more.
So, I made this website!- You can find interesting articles, pictures, and information about many many things!
Thank you for coming to my website!
PLEASE VISIT MY FORUM: http://interestingstuff.forumplayground.com/ - come on, it's fun to argue!!!
e-mail me at: p.panka@hotmail.com

What's New?
- A new quiz under how much do you know about the world! It's about cities... Good luck
-Do you like animals? -Check out my article about Mountain Gorillas!
-Do you like solving puzzles?- Check out Einstein's puzzle.. Are you in the 2 % that can solve it?- find out- now I also have the solution. And if you're stuck, I have a few hints to help you!
- Do you have MSN?- look at the pictures I made- under MSN icons, and pictures. They look really good in MSN.
Do you want to advertise your website?
- Either send send me your banner code, or go to Interesting Links, and just add your websites name!